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Promotions in Sarnia, ON

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Save on Your Eyewear with Our Promotions

Our practice is excited to offer our patients current deals and promotions so you can bundle and save on your eyewear and lens needs. To take advantage of these great deals, visit us today for an appointment.

Our Current Promotions

Check out our current promotions on our products and services. Contact us today to take advantage of these deals:

  • Buy one set of lenses, get the second pair for 40% off (of equal or lesser value).
  • Get $50 off a pair of sunglasses when you buy an annual supply of contact lenses.
  • Price match guarantee on an annual supply of contact lenses.
  • 10% off a 6-month supply or more of daily disposables.
  • Buy one complete pair of glasses and get your second complete pair at 50% off.

Visit Us to Shop the Sales

To take advantage of our current promotions and deals, book an appointment with us today.

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