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Category: Dry Eye

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Contact Lenses for Dry Eye Syndrome

Close up of adult hands holding a contact lense on tip of finger, with contact lens case below.

For individuals with dry eye syndrome, finding comfortable contact lenses can be challenging. However, specialized contacts designed for dry eye relief may offer a solution. If you’re interested in contact lens options or want to explore how Bluewater Optometry can assist with dry eye treatment, check out our comprehensive eye care services for more information. […]

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How Effective Are Eye Masks For Dry Eye?

A smiling person is wearing a warm eye mask to help relieve dry eye symptoms.

Dry, itchy eyes—sound familiar? If you’re someone who experiences the discomfort of dry eye syndrome, you know how much it can impact your daily life. While dry eye treatments from your optometrist can provide relief, sometimes finding at-home treatments to alleviate dry eye symptoms is more convenient.  One common at-home dry eye treatment is using […]

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